Genealogical Research Services



We have over 30 years experience doing genealogical research for ourselves, our family, our friends and our clients.


Genealogical research involves lots of time and patience. These days, a lot can be done online, saving time and money. Records are being digitized and uploaded daily all over the world. The records, information, articles and reports that we study are all legally available to the public. We don’t hire private investigators. We generally do our research online, especially in these times. From simple public records that list name, birth, marriage and death, a story can be told. Census reports, passenger lists, military records, family Bibles and newspaper articles can enhance those stories. Historical societies and cultural clubs are everywhere. Genealogical societies offer a multitude of resources and suggestions.


While researching, we keep in mind that not all records are necessarily complete, accurate or true. Transcribed records can add an additional layer of inaccuracy. We always search for multiple sources to verify our findings. And we keep in mind that even information within a single family can vary, depending on who recorded it or what inconvenient facts have been purposely changed or omitted. Or maybe great grandpa just forgot who was born when. We strive for accuracy and truth, but occasionally we offer our findings with a grain of salt, or a question that invites further research.


When you begin your search it's good to accept the fact that you may find things about your heritage or ancestors that you didn't want to know. Or maybe you suspected a skeleton existed but didn't know how to discover the whole story. Maybe your lifelong dream of finding your great-great grandmother will finally be realized. For sure it's an adventure. Just be prepared for a bumpy, exciting, and hopefully heartwarming ride!





Want to meet your ancestors?


Consider us your time travel guides! Our passion is researching family histories and putting all the pieces together.


When you're ready, contact us with your questions or requests. The first consultation is free. We can't wait to introduce you to your past!

Services Offered



Including genealogical and cultural sites, obituaries, newspapers, city directories, census reports and much, much more.


Digital reports which can contain the following:

Family tree

Ancestor and/or descendant charts

Story-like report


List of sources


Photo Retouching/Restoration/Colorization

Each job will be estimated separately. Scans received should be 600 dpi which is archival quality.



Some translation services available:

Italian, French, Armenian, Estonian, Russian, Spanish





First consultation (phone or video chat) is free up to 1 hour.


Minimum $50.00 for a simple digital report listing research performed, sources and results obtained. Rates go up according to number of sources and time spent. Results can include a family tree, various charts, copies of source documents and other relevant materials.


Each order will be estimated before work has begun and a deposit will be required. We usually give a minimum and maximum amount so that the client will have no surprises.

Additional requests to the original order will be estimated separately. A typical price for basic research and report runs about $250. Extensive long-term research with multiple reports and printouts can be much more.


All reports will be delivered electronically. If you want printouts in addition to the digital versions, that is also possible and the fee will be based on number of copies and media it is printed on (ie simple bond paper, acid free stock or something else). Sales tax is due on printed pieces.


Payment options

PayPal & Zelle (work begins when deposit is received.)

Personal Check (work begins when check clears.)



Our focus is to provide our clients with truthful and accurate results from our research. While we don't claim to be board certified genealogists, we try to strictly adhere to the ethics and standards of the Board of Certification for Genealogists. website:


Contact info



South Bay Cities Genealogical Society, First Families of the South Bay, Southern California Genealogical Society, Graphic Artists Guild


Questions & Answers


Q Will I still be charged if you don't find my ancestors?


A There is a minimum charge of $50 to cover our time and materials. While it's technically possible not to find anything relevant, we have never run into that situation.



Q What if my relatives are upset about someone doing research about our family?


A The records we look for are not secret or protected. They are all publicly available to anyone, although viewing some public records requires a paid subscription. We do not publish our results. They go straight to you.



Q Why can't I just do this myself and save my money?


A You absolutely can do this yourself. Lots of people choose genealogy as their favorite hobby.


Any questions, comments, requests?  Send us a message at:

copyright 2023 RNH Creations - All Rights Reserved               Member of the Graphic Artists Guild and Several Genealogical Societies